Thursday, February 12, 2009

Skywatch Friday-Sky Scraper Sky

Click on photos to enlarge.

Pictures taken from a glass sky scraper in Worcester, Massachusetts

The photo above shows the contrast of the sky as a storm moves in as well as the threatening clouds.

Happy Skywatch everyone.


Dewdrop said...

I love reflection shots, and yours are beautiful the way the captured those wispy cirrus. Awesome!

Guy D said...

Excellent reflection shots, you gave me some great ideas for next week.

Have a great weekend!
Regina In Pictures

Rune Eide said...

Who needs a sky when you can use a mirror! I love reflections!!

Ana said...

Best reflections I saw! Cool.

Quiet Paths said...

Wonderfully creative! - the patterns and contrasts. Great post.

Gerald (Ackworth born) said...

a great set of reflections

Carver said...

Those are wonderful shots. There is something so beautiful about the sky reflected in buildings.

Janie said...

The sky and cloud reflections are terrific. Great shots.

Reader Wil said...

That's a great idea to take photos of the sky reflected in windows. Thanks for sharing and happy SWF>

Anonymous said...

Very lovely and unique photos of the sky!

Unknown said...

Excellent reflection captures!

Anonymous said...

I love the sky on the reflection! Lovely!

EG CameraGirl said...

Reflections are wonderful, aren't they?!

Anonymous said...

Nice sky photographs. I am inclined to prefer the reflections but don't know why.

Photo Cache said...

hahaha, i have taken a very similar shot like these; they can be companion images. oh we skylovers skywatch any which way, don't we?

Niina said...

Nice reflections! Happy SWF!

Anonymous said...

These are unique skywatch photos. I love the blues in it. Thanks for sharing.

Eve said...

That is such a clever photograph! I especially love the last one where we can see both the reflected sky behind you, as well as the storm coming in front of you!

FO - 2 said...

Great series.
Beautiful reflections. :)

Susie of Arabia said...

Very cool reflective shots! Love them all !

Anonymous said...

These turned out great!

Anonymous said...

Great reflection shots :)

Christy said...

Beautiful reflected skies. Thanks for visiting my blog. I truly appreciate the feedback. Have a great weekend birding.

Dughallmor Beagles said...

What a unique Skywatch, reflections are sometimes even more beautiful than the original image :D Great shots!
TY for your visit and comment :o)

CTG Ponies said...

Very cool and creative way to capture the sky!

Jose M. Galindo said...

It´s funny... take a look to my blog... we had the same idea at almost the same time ;-), I like your photos.

Unknown said...

Well done, nice sky reflections.

Teri said...

Oh wow, great reflections.

Anonymous said...

Nice reflections ... painter(s say that a reflection can give more or additional information about the original image... wich could also mean that in that reflection there is more of the truth.
Nice composition & beautiful sky.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Kallen---I love those photos... Seeing the sky reflecting off of that building is tremendous. You should frame one of these..SO gorgeous.


marie-louise said...

Great skywatch pictures. Awesome how you used reflective glass to capture the sky. Well done. Have a great weekend.

Anonymous said...

Oh wow...fantastic Kallen...

Warren and Lisa Strobel said...

Your creativity is amazing! Happy Darwin Day!

Olga said...

Those are great! I too like taking photos of things reflected in the windows.

Jim Klenke said...

neat picture, it looks like a mosaic.

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

I love creative use of reflection like you have done. Thanks for sharing.

George said...

I love the way you captured the sky in these reflections. And thanks for visiting my site.

Secret Mom Thoughts said...

Great reflections. Lovely shots.

Ann said...

This is a terrific reflection shot. I love reflections.

Lew said...

Gorgeous reflections! Only one of my sunset images was through the windshield. I was got out of the car for the others. Luckily, I had cleaned the windows last weekend.

Pearl Maple said...

Fun photos for Sky Watch Friday, it is tricky to get a good reflection but yours are so clear.

Thanks for sharing with us all in Sky Watch Friday and thanks for your kind comments on my post earlier.

Liked your falcon, how cool are they!

Anonymous said...

I love the photos and your blog!

Mary said...

Oh, those are terrific reflection shots! Really beautiful. :)

Susan English Mason said...

I am learning how to do reflection shots. I have a LONG way to go. These are perfect with the sky and all. Who would have known that there are blogs for bird watchers (newbie blogger that I am). I love birds so like Arnie Schwartz I'll be back.

Naturegirl said...

Wonderful photos of the reflections!
I am sure captivating in person!

gone to the dogs said...

These are very creative shotss. I must remember to look for some reflections on my next skywatch.

Shelley said...

Simply outstanding!!! The reflections are beautiful and crisp.

Tina said...

WOW, these reflection shots are so nice and novel...Love your choice of compositions and the colors are just great!!!

also, how great to see your falcon everyday!! would love to just see one!! keep sharing those pics!!

Anonymous said...

Awesome reflections captures Kallen! Perfectly framed and very artistic!

I can't help but think about the poor birds though when I see big buildings of glass like these.

Millions of birds are killed every year by window strikes. It is second only to bird death caused by loss of habitat.

I urge everyone to watch this video to learn about the Fatal Light Awareness Program.

Unknown said...

Love the sky in the windows. The last with both building and sky shows a great contrast

Kim said...

Larry, you are spot on regarding that building and bird strikes. It breaks my heart to see how many hit the windows. Especially in the spring.

Anonymous said...

Nice captures of the sky in the glass. Very nice! :-)

Debbie@Like a Rose said...

Great reflections shot. Just beautiful.

Tammie Lee said...

Oh these are wonderful images! I love the blues and the swishy clouds.

Anonymous said...

What beautiful images! I love the reflections, contrasts of light and tones, and the textures.

Sharon said...

Beautiful reflections in those windows!! Happy Skywatch Friday:)

Lisa Wilson said...

Wow! What a reflection!

Anonymous said...

This really plays with reality! Great shots!

Roses and Lilacs said...

Those are wonderful photos. I love reflection shots.

Looked at your older posts. Enjoyed seeing the birds. I'm a avid bird watcher too.

Marie said...

I certainly like reflection photos but I prefer your photos of birds. They are really excellent.

DeniseinVA said...

Those are magnificent reflective shots. Great captures for SWF.

Colin Campbell said...

Really interesting shots. Very wintery.

luvmyboys said...

Great idea for Skywatch! Those are beautiful!

Dawn Fine said...

Howdee Kallen,
very cool shot!

Anonymous said...

Wow. Terrific shots! Clever and artistic.

Carolyn said...

These are beautiful shots. Thanks for sharing. Smiles

Mamapippa ... said...

Great idea ! I love it !

Anonymous said...

Great photos - the top one looks like a work of art.


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