Well, word has it that there are two Peregrine Falcons looking to make a home over at the Flagship Bank building in downtown Worcester (see blurb above). Whoot! Guess What!!! I can see this building from my office window!! To make this even more exciting, there are a couple of Red Tailed Hawks I have seen downtown in the past week so I am hoping they decide to play house around here too!
Now when I go to work I bring both my binoculars and camera. When the computer starts to choke, out come the binoculars as I search the horizon and buildings for signs of either bird.
Of course this genius idea does carry risk. I often think about the inevitable day when a fellow coworker comes into my office to inquire about something and there I will be gawking out at downtown Worcester with my binoculars. They will automatically assume I am a typical slacker who likes spying on innocent people as they go about their business. Embarrassed and sheepish I will innocently explain that my computer is acting up again and I am searching for falcon's in hopes of getting a picture. They will look at me with a mix of shock and pity as they back out of the office slowly. As if I can't be perceived as anymore of a freak at my work place.
Anyhow, I have weighed out those risks and determined that it's worth the cause. I am doing month end processing this week which brings my computer to its knees for up to 30 minutes at a time. In between non computer busy work I will be searching away in hopes I can see the falcon which will be a lifer for me. Wish me luck! The way my birding has been going, I need it! ;o)
Well Kalen, why don't they buy you a new computer? Seems like you need one. I don't blame you for taking other things to do while you are at work--if your computer goes out that easily. GADS!!!!
Beautiful picture of the view from your office.
I am going to get a new one soon Betsy, the thing is that we are currently in the process of reshuffling departments and to be honest with you, I don't know who my boss is going to be so I can't expense it to their expense center. HA!! Very confusing, but typical in banking. I will find out in a couple of weeks and hopefully be able to get a computer.
Don't worry about what they all think! They call me bird brain at work and I don't care :o) You gotta see that Falcon!
Great solution. Like they say (and I'm paraphrasing from fishing), a bad days birding beats a good days work...
Hilarious!! I hope the Peregrine Falcons make a nest and you can continue to post their progress.
Howdee Kallen
Sounds like you have a great solution to a slow computer!
Hey, when life (or a computer) gives you lemons, make that lemonade!!! I'd do the same thing Kallen. :c)
If it was me I would be setting up a birding scope on a tripod but maybe that's going to far - Would certainly give everyone something to talk about.
EB, I have no spotting scope or tripod sadly but I do have pictures!! WOOT!!! I just got back from there and took a bunch of pictures and wanted to jump in here quickly to share my glee. I can't wait to get home tonight to see how they came out. I am guessing blury because they were up so high but I know for sure I have a picture with one of them eating prey!!!
A lifer for me!! How I miss this rush.
Congrats on the lifer. Frank
LOL! I wouldn't get any work done at all if I knew there was a neat bird within camera range :-) I'd be glued to the window or out pacing the sidewalk looking up and shooting while people walk by looking at me strangly. What a great opportunity for you!
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