Wednesday, June 17, 2009

This and That-June 17th

A lone deer I saw this morning before work when I went looking for the recently fledged House Wrens. It sat there motionless and stared at me. I am guessing its a young deer and is not yet afraid of humans.
One of 3 squirrels on my mulberry tree today. There are times when I have up to 7 species of birds and several gray squirrels on this tree which is quite the show for both the eyes and the ears!
I went to the area behind Brierly today and saw my first American Redstart in almost a month now. Not the best of pics in that area today. The warblers would NOT stand still and my camera wanted to focus on everything else but the birds!
A lousy shot of a Chestnut-sided Warbler with a worm in its bill. It was so close to me that I could hear the flutter of its wings (if I wanted to I could have touched it that's how close it was). It sat there staring at me with the worm in its bill as I sat there motionless and unable to bring the camera to my eye because I had never been that close to a warbler before. I finally was able to get a picture and THIS is how it came out because I had my camera at full zoom and he was so close that my camera wouldn't focus properly. Just my luck people!
One of my favorite birds the humble Song Sparrow with an insect in its bill. This bird was actually singing with the bug in its bill and it didn't even drop it! Such talent!
I actually laughed out loud while taking this one. Such funny birds that a lot of people overlook which is too bad because they are quite comical.

The biggest excitement of my evening was that darn Ruffed Grouse that I had flushed out of some bushes again unintentionally. There were a ton of mountain bikers on the path today so I decided to try out some paths that were not wide enough for them so I could bird in peace. It was indeed peaceful until the bird flew out of the bushes and scared the hell out of me. I should really be used to this by now but can't. It's kind of like the Jack n the Box when I was young. I knew it was going to pop out of the box and tried to prepare myself but every time it happened I jumped a little.

Update on the Juvie Peregrine. Tufts has noticed that something is wrong with one of her wings so they are going to take more x-rays before they put her in the flight cage. The other two girls spend most of their time on the BankNorth building with one of their parents. The female Peregrine has taken a deep liking to soaring the skies lately (probably missed that freedom with nesting, feeding, etc). I have gotten all of my co-workers very interested in the falcons so we all stand by the window watching her soar the sky which she does so well.

Take care everyone.


Betsy Banks Adams said...

Kim, I can understand how you can get others in your work place to enjoy watching the Falcons. I surely would!!!!

Cute pictures. The deer one is great---and I laughed at the Song Sparrow ones... CUTE!!!

Have a great day tomorrow.

Kelly said...

...loved your grouse story. Made me laugh...I've so been there! Very pretty deer...and isn't that just the way...a warbler so close you can't focus on it!

Shelley said...

I hope your juvie falcon heals quickly! And those sparrow photos are very cute!!

Chris said...

It is getting better and better here ;-) You saw again so many things, what a diversity!!! You got pretty good shots too...And like Kelly said, the grouse story is very funny!!

Jayne said...

Isn't that how it always goes? You have the camera on zoom, and there before you stands a perfect! I feel your pain Kim. :c) Hope all ends up well for the baby at Tufts.

NCmountainwoman said...

It's well worth a little missed work to get others interested in the falcons.

Ginnymo said...

Great photos Kim and thanks for the update on the Falcon. Hope it will heal and be able to fly free. The poor thing.

Kathie Brown said...

Blurry picutres mean you are having too much fun! Glad you are out there exploring instead of inside watching TV!


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