Photo above is of one of my many Cedar Waxwings eating the mulberries from my tree this morning. I also had my first Baltimore Orioles on the tree today and they are always the last to eat the berries because they like them very ripe. The American Goldfinches have been busy too. They don't eat the fruit but the seeds within the fruit which is intriguing to watch. Did some birding this evening with Alan and Sharon H. Sharon wanted to see the Red-tailed Hawk and her chicks. Picture above is digiscoped and kind of blurry. Love those eyes though and the yellow on end of its bill.
Lousy shot of one letting out a soft cry. So cute to watch
I thought nothing of it really and continued to bird. I later found out from Alan that the Breeding Bird Atlas is very interested in information regarding Eastern Bluebirds nesting in natural cavities so I was thrilled to get some digital photos of it. We also saw a bluebird feeding her begging recently fledged babies so it's nice to see that several pairs of bluebirds have been successful thus far.
Last but not least, and amusing photo of a Belted Kingfisher and a Downy Woodpecker. How cool is this. Birds are so funny sometimes. It made for a cute photo as they were both perched in the same location and didn't even seem to notice one another.
Have a great week everyone!!
Nice shot of the Waxwing, must try and get a shot of those over here next year. Glad to here the young Peregrine is doing ok :-)
Glad to hear the hawk is ok, I am sure it has been nerve racking. It looks like you had a successful birding trip, way to go.
Oh, so glad to hear that the baby is going to be OK. :c) Love the photos of the bluebird in a natural nesting cavity.
My gosh you did get a lot of nice pictures and some that are on my wish list. I wonder sometimes if a bird I wish to see will ever see me? :)
You do get better birding during the week than almost anyone I know. Thanks for the falcon update.
Great shots Kim - I'm sure you must have birds on retainer, you have such great luck!
Wonderful photos of the waxwing and baby hawk! Glad the falcon is OK.
That is a great shot of the Kingfisher and Downy! It's like, we get along if we don't look at each other!
That's great that you found a Bluebird nesting in a natural cavity!
Wonderful photos as always Kim!
Thanks Kim for the update on the Falcon baby.. Keep us posted.
You got some great bird shots on Tues. evening. (I'm way behind on my posts.)
Love that waxwing. They are such special birds.
Did you see the jay attach the hawk/chicks???? Oh---I hate that.
Hope you had a great day today.
Beautiful Cedar Waxwing. We had them here this winter. Is the rosy color a breeding color. I've never seen them like that.
I love images of young juvenile hawks. You get a real feel for how they develop and how wary they are.
I always wonder how the young of bluebirds nesting in natural tree cavities ever escape racoons. You're getting some great images. Redstarts are not easy to photograph! And my woodthrush who sings so wonderfully and close by has escaped me entirely.
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