Have you ever experienced or seen things you just can't understand. Now I am not talking about complex things like how the sky never ends or why Richard Simmons is annoying or anything like that, I am just talking about simple day to day stuff.

For instance, who is it at Blogger whose job is it to invent the word verification words? Do they enjoy making up words that are too hard to pronounce much less type first thing in the morning when you are on your first cup of coffee. It is difficult enough to do with a simple font but then they want to torture me with a bubble font that I have to squint to see. I try my best and cringe when it tells me it's wrong and pray they give me an easier word. Why can't they just have words that are easy to read like cat, dog, bird, frog?? If you are a spammer it is just as time consuming to type those words in as it is the others. I bet whoever it is who does this for a living likes to torture us bloggers with their fancy words and bubble fonts.

Why do people go to McDonald's and order a Big Mac, Supersize Fry and a Diet Coke? I just don't understand it. Heck when I go to McDonald's I don't want diet anything. Give me as much fat and sugar as I can take in one sitting. Do they think they are being good with their order and feel less guilty as they are woofing down their Big Mac as they take a left on Main Street or do they just prefer Diet Coke for some reason.

What is it with the Facebook ads on the right hand corner of your screen. Do they target women born in the 60's with ads as ridiculous as the one above? Do they honestly think all women in their 40's want to look like they are still in their 20's? And if they do WHY would you show a photo like that? She looks as if she is waiting at a street corner for who knows what! I will just leave that to your imagination.
What's the deal with people who are always on their cell phone while driving? Is that the only time they can catch up with loved ones, friends and co-workers? Better yet, the ones who talk on their cell phones while grocery shopping. When I am at the grocery store I need full concentration or I will forget why I am there. I was in the produce section last week and heard all about a woman's blind date that weekend and how annoying he was because he kept talking on his cell phone. HA!
There are a bunch more but those are all I can think of for now. How about you? You must have some!!! Spill the beans and share! ;o)
I can't think of any right now- I'm laughing too hard at your list! Funny, funny post.
That was so funny about the word verification, I have been saying for ages that someone could write a whole post about word verification. The worst thing is when the darned thing says loading and nothing happens, I'm so tempted to type in the word loading!!
All good wishes from the UK.
Okay, I'll admit I like the taste of Diet Coke better than Coke. I don't like McD's anymore but I used to totally get supersized superfat everything, and a Diet Coke, LOL.
Those Facebook ads drive me crazy too, but because they claim Cameron Diaz and Angelina Jolie were born in the 60's. Uh, no they weren't.
And don't get me started on the cellphone thing! It was illegal in the Netherlands and people still did it, but not to the extent I see here. I find it so so dangerous!
I have the hardest time with the MySpace word verification. The Blogger ones are easy peasy, compared to MySpace!
GREAT list Kallen! Once again you are making me laugh like a hyena and my cat is giving me a quizzical look. By the way - about a month ago - my word verification was URINE. URINE!!! Can you believe that??? I think I told someone else that story. And my big things that make you go "hmmm" is the other day when I was using a public restroom and I could hear the lady on the toilet next to me TALKING ON HER CELL PHONE. She was trying to be discreet. But I flushed my toilet 2 times (cuz I can be annoying like that) and held in a laugh as I heard her say to her friend "oh I'm in the bathroom." Sick!!!!
...laughing at your post...and everyone else's comments, especially Shelley's!
Oh how funny! I laugh almost every time I go to lunch with one of my neighbors. She will proclaim, "I'll just have a salad." Then she will go to the salad bar and pile 2,000 calories of cheese, bacon, and other toppings on her "simple salad." She will eat at least three rolls. Finally she will say she is going to have dessert since she "only had a salad." I have to prepare myself every time so I won't laugh out loud.
Funny list! Just today, I was riding in the car with my brother. It was not real clear who had the right of way, but my brother said, "He's on the cell phone so I get to go first!!!" I kinda like that rule!
Have to agree about the cell phones - the dis-inhibition is unreal. I just loved the one in check out line who didn't even acknowledge the clerk because she was discussing what she was going to wear with her BFF! Who are these people, did their parents raise them to be this rude. Looking forward to hearing about more things that bug you. Cheerio!
LOL Lynne!
Shy, the word verification stumps me. I tried typing in loading once just to see what happened and it just told me I had the wrong word. Grrrrr.
Amy, I have a friend like that too. I am a Coca Cola addict but don't like the diet. I am so boring when I go to McDonald's because I don't eat red meat. I usually order a large fry and a large coke. Wendy's if different because I order their chicken sandwich a small fry and a Frostie. Love Frosties! I never talk on my cell phone while driving. I know I would cause an accident!
LOL Shelley! I guess Blogger is fascinated with biological functions for word verification because I got fartno once for a word. HA! regarding the women on the phone while she was doing her business.
Kelly, I am right there with you on Shelley's post. The flushing of the toilet is classic!
NC, I know people like that too. They think just because they have a bed of lettuce on their plate they can order whatever they want. It is so funny to watch them rationalize. Diets are hard though especially when you are eating out so I give them some slack.
Mildred, people talking and driving on their cell phones scare me. I avoid them at all costs if I can.
Elaine, people like that drive me crazy. They always do that to me when I am in line at Dunkin Donuts. There is a line out the door and some women is holding up the line talking to her friend about the new Jimmy Choo's she just bought! Manners is one thing I have tried to teach my kids because there are so many out there now who don't have them. Rude people make me nuts!
Is that your GB heron photo? It's good...Yes..I wonder about a lot of things and the older I get, the more things that seem to make me wonder about them....
I assume the word verification is randomly generated to make it more difficult for automated spambots to defeat. A real word would be less secure since the bot could just pick words out of a dictionary. Blogger's "words" are fairly easy compared to those of other services. I find typepad/MovableType to have the most unreadable ones.
Silly Kallen, don't you know that the diet Coke negates the guilt? ;c) Funny, funny post!
Indeed. Sometime the word verification fits the post and makes me chuckle.
To carry on - why is it that:
the man who invests all your money is called a broker?
If flying is so safe, why do they call the airport the terminal?
doctors call what they do 'practice'? enough enough...
LOL!LOL! I agree with each of these and enjoyed them. I wish that people wouldn't use the word verification, but guess some have to. I'm always typing them in wrong. How can anyone LIKE Diet Coke?? I think the Facebook ads are suppose to look exactly like you said...waiting on a street corner....to attract the type of men who look at these things. I don't have Facebook, but hate this same sort of "semi-porn" looking ads that show up on my email server under the idea of meeting singles (like anyone believes these women are real and still single?). I should have a right to say "get this off my screen!". Is there any place where people AREN'T yakking on the phone any more??? Do they never shut up and enjoy the silence and let us enjoy it too?? Are they incapable of going 10 minutes without the sound of their own voice even if all they talk about is totally unnecessary???? OK...sorry about ranting on your blog :-)
Word 'verif' is a constant source of frustration, so if they are occasionally cute or funny, I figure they owe me. Four tries is my personal "best" from trying to post a comment. But I love it when people include their word with their comment when it's a weird synchronicity.
You cracked me up with this one - I'm speachless! Cheers FAB
I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one who types in word verifications incorrectly..and its not just in the morning so I can't even use not being awake as my excuse.....
One of my hmmmms is people who walk their dogs in our development and do not clean up after their critters...we have one guy who owns a bull mastiff, a rather large animal who produces a rather large u-kno-what..I got really fed up and collected the droppings one day and dumped them on his front porch..it looked like an elephant had visited his porch!! I'm not sure he got the message but it made me feel better that at least some ended up on his lot!! am i bad :0
use not being awake as my excuse..
Funny post Kim! I always order the diet Coke at McDonalds too.
That wren? sure is an exotic looking bird.
I ate at McDonalds about 3 years ago I think.
Good post, there are a lot of goofy things in the world of advertising.
Interesting post.
I fully agree with you on that word verification part, its such a pain. That's why I removed it from my blog.
On that Heron shot, my suggestion would be : maybe next time when you come across a bird with contrasting colored feathers, try taking the image at -1.7 to -2 EV.
I agree with the word verification, but sometimes the words actually go with the post. What is that about?
Sorry, if ordering coke at all I order Diet Coke always. I do not like the taste of Coke.
Did enjoy the post. Wondering if you feel better now that you have it off your chest?
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Well this is the perfect post. I really enjoyed myself while reading it.
It appears as if someone is going through some nicotine withdrawals.
I agree with your peaves, esp. the cell phone business. I saw two ladies crack into each other in their soccer mom vans. It happened because they were yakking away on their cell phones and not paying attention. I wanted to jump out of my car and cheer for them. Serves them right.
That was too funny, Kallen. It was like an Andy Rooney bit, but MUCH funnier. Just a few minutes ago I got the most straightforward word verification I've ever seen: "south" Wow, that was too easy!
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