Saturday, November 29, 2008

Duck, Duck, Goose, King & a Warbler?

I think this is a robin's nest. I have a hard time identifying them still, but it is a rounded cup much like the one I had in my gazebo one year where a robin had her babies. Can someone confirm this perhaps? Thanks

I decided to do a little exploring today. While I love my backyard birds, I was yearning for more. It's kind of like eating pasta on a daily basis, you love it but crave something different.

I went to a pond in my town that I have not been to in quite some time. Here is a tiny river that feeds water from our large lake to the pond.

I went there in search for baffle heads. I only caught a glimpse of them before they waddled away. I did see a duck and a goose though. It was very odd because they were together and when they saw me they left together. HA!

After that I went to a bike path we have in our town. This bike path was built for both people and wildlife. They designed it specifically for wildlife survival and have a ton of berry producing trees and shrubs. They also built blue bird boxes along the path. I normally don't go here because most birds seem to hide, but a few were out today.

Can someone please tell me what they are doing. I saw all of the ducks and the geese in the same position today. Are they trying to keep warm??

I had three highlights of the day. The first was the belted kingfisher I saw. I could hear him making his usual racket and looked around frantically to see if I could spot him. He was very busy looking for fish and perched on a tree branch. The picture is obviously blurry. He was very far away from me so getting a photo of him with my pathetic Kodak Easy Share was quite the task. I love this little bird. He is so cute and reminds me of this boy I used to have a crush on in the 80's when Mohawks were in style! Very Flocking Seagulls!

Second, I came upon a birds nest that was absolutely adorable. It was about the size of a puffed up house sparrow. I have no idea how the tissue got on there, but it was interesting to say the least. Can someone please tell me what kind of nest it is?

Last but certainly not least was the sighting of the most adorable bird I have ever seen. He was smaller than a chickadee and had gray feathers similar to the color of a catbird. The most stunning thing about him was this orangey, red spot on the very top of his head. I couldn't get in close enough for a picture and he wouldn't stand still anyhow. I am thinking he was a warbler because he was so small. He was eating grass seeds with the chickadees, song sparrows and juncos, so I may very well be wrong. I am racking my brain here trying to figure out what he is. I left my field guide in my office so I think I will be googling for the remainder of the night.

I am going back to the bike path first thing tomorrow morning. I found my new mini heaven and can't wait to get back.


Dawn Fine said...

My guess is golden crowned kinglet...

Kim said...

Bless you Dawn, you are right!!! HA! I have been googling wablers now for over 45 minutes and would have never thought of that. Thanks!!

Seriously, what an adorable little bird!! He was a little bigger than a ping pong ball. I just wanted to hold him and pet his wee little head.

I am going back tomorrow to see if I can at least get a better look at him w/ my binoculars. Whoever can get a photo of him deserves a medal of some sort because he doesn't stand still. HA

Mary said...

The nests - first looks like a Robin's nest - the second resembles a Baltimore Oriole nest.

Those ducks are drying and resting.

You use a Kodak Easyshare? Kallen, I used a Z612 until August 9, 2008 (accidentally crashed it). It took fabbo photos!!! What model do you use?


Kim said...

Mary, I have a Kodak EasyShare C533

I was at Target earlier doing a little Christmas shopping and took a quick look at the cameras. There was one that was gorgeous and it had this anti blur feature that would correct your blurry pictures. I was looking at it like someone looks at chocolate cake on a diet. It was $600!!! Totally out of my league, so the Kodak will have to do for now.

Dawn Fine said...

Yes...that is the sweetest little bird...i call it a chickadee with a golden head...

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Kallen, looks like you got your questions answered. WOW--can't believe you saw so much while you were out. I love the picture of that little river. The color is great--with that glistening water. Great pictures!!!!

LauraHinNJ said...

Sounds like a day busy with birds!

Kinglets are great little birds, but so hard to get a nice look at! Frustrating....

Jayne said...

What a great new place to bird Kallen! Can't wait to hear more about your journeys there. :c)

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Kallen, We'll be out-of-town for a few days. Read my today's blog. Have a wonderful week.

jalynn01 said...

I love your blog title "Kitchen Window Birder" That is how I got started years ago, and now love to go out and search for other birds and animals as well. Thank you for stopping at my blog and commenting. I have had Kodak, Olympus and now Sony cameras and I must say Sony is the most user friendly and takes the best pictures for me. I invested in a tele-converter lens which brings me in a little closer. This time of year you can find great offers, and it would be a perfect Christmas gift to yourself or from a loved one!! Haha... My kids just look at me at some things I request...I asked for a heated dog dish to use as a bird bath this year and got the looks! But I will get it.

troutbirder said...

There is a whole world birds and other creatures out there. Enjoy!

Shelley said...

Love your new blog layout and the fact you have a pic of your kitchen window. When I'm downstate - That's mostly the window I look thru too! Looks like all your questions were answered - what a nice birdy adventure you went on! Looking forward to more!

Rambling Woods said...

Ducks and geese sleep by tucking their heads under a wing. That one white bird with the mallard looks like some kind of domestic duck. Interesting. I can't help you on the nests as I am terrible with them, but they birds do pick up all kinds of strange things to put in them...Check out the Canon Powershots.

R. Ramesh said...

wow..wonderful pix and narration..congrats


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