Here is some specific information on A89:
Captured 11/5/08 at the Price Chopper Plaza, Rt. 20, Worcester, MA
Map of capture sight: 42.21324, - 71.79617
Captured using a rocket net baited with bread and crackers
Adult ring-billed gull
Florescent orange wing-tags: A89
Red leg band: SB
federal band: 0974-05314
released on site
11/17/08: Singletary Boat Ramp, Millbury, MA
11/25/08: Singletary Boat Ramp, Millbury, MA
11/28/08: Greenwood St., Burlington Coat Factory
11/30/08: Singletary Boat Ramp, Millbury, MA
12/07/08: Singletary Boat Ramp, Millbury, MA
12/18/08: Price Chopper, Rt. 20, Worcester, MA
Confirmation that this is indeed one of the local Singletary Ring-billed Gulls who is quite happy going from Price Chopper to Millbury on a daily basis. Most likely roosts somewhere around Singletary Lake and then heads over to Price Chopper and Wendy's for Bagels and fries.
Here is some specific information on A294:
Captured 10/15/09 at the Wal-Mart, Northborough, MA
Map of capture sight: 42.285874, - 71.656002
Captured using a rocket net baited with crackers
Juvenile ring-billed gull
Florescent orange wing-tags: A294
Orange leg band: RH
federal band: 0994-03348
released on site
This is the first sighting of this gull.
Obviously this juvenile Ring-billed Gull has been recently banded and likes staying in the area but has moved over a few towns. We never did notice the leg band though as its leg was in the water.
Here is some specific information on A105:
Captured 11/10/08 at White City Plaza, Shrewsbury, MA
Map of capture sight: 42.27349, - 71.75183
Captured using a rocket net baited with bread
Ring-billed gull
Florescent orange wing-tags: A105
Red leg band: RB
federal band: 0974-05461
released on site
11/20/08: Natick Travel Plaza, MassPike, MA
11/26/08: Natick Travel Plaza, MassPike, MA
12/29/08: Natick Travel Plaza, MassPike, MA
01/04/09: Natick Travel Plaza, MassPike, MA
02/26/09: McDonald's Plaza, Rt. 6, Swansea, MA
03/06/09: McDonald's Plaza, Rt. 6, Swansea, MA
Wondering what prompted it to fly all the way to Swansea to hang out at McDonald's when there is one right a the Natick Travel Plaza where he was spotted most. Maybe the fries in Swansea are crispier or something (nothing worse than soggy fries, perhaps even for a gull)
I have gotten into mapping lately and even played around with Google Earth some to see if I can use Latitude and Longitude information to track bird trends and geographical concentrations and find that it is another interesting way to look at data. Nothing as fancy as that above, but it will give you an idea of this birds journey all for a few lousy fries! See what one can do with too much time on ones hands.
And here is a good example of how a bird nerd can use Google Earth. The image above is used to map all of the places a Herring Gull who was actually fitted with a satellite transmitter has gone since it was put on it on 11/5/08 at the Blackstone Valley Abatement Facility. See DCR Link on more info as well as direct links to track this gull using Google Earth! And who said gulls were boring! ;-).
That's it for now, but don't fret. Will be going out tomorrow in the Nor'easter and who knows what I will find. Plus Salisbury Beach with Forbush on Sunday which should be interesting to see what we get there with the storm. Take care all!
That is truly fascinating. Thank you.
That is sort of interesting.I kept track of some tagged Canada Geese. I've been waiting to find some tagged birds from areas futher away like greenland but it's still interesting to spy on gulls to see what those sneaky birds are up to.
This Google mapping as an insert with the bird in question is very cool on your site. I'll have to try my hand at that. Thanks for the inspiration. I feel sorry for that poor lonely gull, and I'm not a big gull fan. :(((
I didn't realize these fast food and travel plazas were such productive birding sites.
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