Last week I reported that I thought the Peregrines may have experienced nest failure based upon their recent behaviour which was totally out of their norm. On Friday my co-worker told me he saw a lot of bizarre behaviour (he has a perfect view of the nest box from his office) including one of the Peregrines carrying birds to the nest for food storage!!

When I got back from vacation today he told me there was no doubt in his mind that that's what they were doing yesterday as he saw one of the falcons storing a bird in the side nest box , so I went out there myself for about 15 minutes to observe. The female sat on the edge of the box and waited for the male to come back from hunting I am assuming. There were no signs of the male during this time so I went to go grab my lunch at the cafeteria and can see the nest box from the cash register (yes I am obsessed) and sure enough the male did return to the nest box with something in his talons that I am assuming was a bird!
I took some lousy shots of the female from the 24th floor for documentation. The thing that interests me the most is the form in the front of the nest box. It wasn't there this morning when I observed the falcons for the first time, but appeared there between 12-1PM today. Whatever it is, it didn't just magically appear on its own. I was thinking perhaps its a dead pigeon but looked far too white so I am unsure.
Let's just say at this point I am almost willing to bet the farm that downtown Worcester once again has eyases!!!
More to follow as always.
This is exciting! I obviously like watching stuff like this, and falcons are just great. And these can't swim away in the night.
Thanks for the update. You had a busy day catching up.
How cool! Please keep us updated. I am happy you have something to obsess about, it makes our worlds go round.
Hi Kim, Looks like you had a busy day. I love hearing about the Falcons... Keep us posted!!!
Have a great and wonderful evening.
Oh goody!! Maybe you will be seeing babies soon!!! I can't wait Kim!!
...exciting. I bet you have everyone in your building cheering for the falcons now! These are great posts.
Yeh It is exciting, let's hope they will succeed. keep us up-date...
Thanks for the update Kim. It's looking like they may have a successful nest.
I know what you mean by obsessing. I have been obsessed with Osprey for the last 2 weeks!
I hope you have a successful nest. I would love to see them with the little ones.
Loved the post above too - you have given us such an inside glimpse into the lives of a peregrine falcon - I love this!
I didn't see a place to comment on the above post. They are so beautiful and those grooming shots are wonderful. You are very fortunate to see all of this so close. I hope we see babies soon!
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