Not much of serious birding done today for I had to be home by noon for cookouts, family, etc. I also overslept so didn't get out there until 8o'clock which totally threw me off. Anyhow, despite the small amount of time we had to bird, I was able to get some shots and see some birds. The picture above is of a Red-tailed Hawk that was soaring above the power lines in Sutton. I love seeing these magnificent birds and whenever I do, out comes the camera to test my progress in photographing them. I hardly ever see one perched anymore because they are too busy nesting, but have noticed plenty in flight the past few days. One thing I have noticed that I find strange is that I see them in groups of three at times. I can understand twos because they are mates but the threes throw me off because the hawks look far too big for one of them to be their young. Very weird but frequent along Route 146.

We went to the Millbury Bike Path and heard the now familiar sounding Willow Flycatcher. Not really a lifer because I have caught occasional glimpses of it and know it's call but I have not checked it off my list until now because I was able to get a really good look at this sweet little bird today. I don't know what it is about flycatchers but they fascinate me. I remember when I first started birding last October and I would leaf through my Peterson Guide and oooh and ahhh over all of the birds that I just had to see. Kind of like the way most women salivate over jewelry in a catalog but I do it with birds instead. The one that intrigued me the most was the Scissor-tailed Flycatcher. Such a stunning bird and one that I will probably never see this far north but a girl can dream can't she! The Willow will just have to do for now. ;o)

Alan told me they lift up their head when they finish their call and sure enough this one did. Very entertaining to watch!

The Song Sparrows were over near the power lines again which confirmed to us that yes indeed they must have a nest nearby because every time we pass by it they perch on a tree and look at us with caution as if begging us to leave them alone which we do.

We were near a lot of farm land today and with farm land comes Barn Swallows. I just love their tails.

Speaking of farms, here is a pig we saw at a pig farm near some woods we went to in an attempt to get a look at an Eastern-wood Pewee. I heard these birds everywhere I went yesterday but today they were silent. Very frustrating but will get one next weekend if it kills me!

While we were in these woods we came to an area where we heard little cries that almost sounded like European Starlings. It didn't take us long to realize that the sound was not that of a bird, but of a critter of some sort. There in a large tree hole was a baby raccoon who heard us and must have mistaken us for its mother and was begging for food. The picture came out blurry but it was the best I could do because it went right back into hiding after is saw me and I didn't want to stress it out anymore, plus we had no idea where mamma was but didn't want to be there when she returned if we could avoid it.

And since I appear to be on a critter role, check out the Snapping Turtle that was in the middle of the road! Don't worry it was rescued, but not before I took its picture. ;o)

Toward the end of the morning the weather was getting downright hot and these cows had the right idea by lounging around to escape some of the heat. Not a great day for a total bird count but it was fun just the same. I often become so fixated on birds that I forget all of the other neat things that are out there for me to see. I guess I needed the reminder but can't wait to get out there again next weekend to make that 130 bird count that I have set for a goal by the end of this month.
Have a great week everyone.
Great post, Kim... Even if you didn't have as much time today, you certainly got alot of great pictures. Thanks for sharing.
Hope the rest of your day has been great.
...I was just scrolling through reading the text, and then i got to the pig and laughed out loud! I totally wasn't expecting to see a nice fat little piggy among the birds! Nice flight shot of your hawk, and the Willow Flycatcher is lovely. I have the same feel/experience about flycatchers. (I love when their bottom yellow bill is so visible.)
Love all your photos!! That Raccoon is so cute and the pig is so dirty. Love the cows too!! And the Hawk and all of them..LOL
I love all these photos today - I notice how pretty the sky was for you today. Best wishes with your goal of 130- I look forward to the journey!
What a great day Kim! Love reading about everything you saw.
I love all of the great animals. The flying hawk was good. I like taking pictures of them in the air. The raccoon and the farm animals were good to see.
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