Hi all, it's me, Kallen!!
HA!! I have felt bad not posting here in a few days but I am very sick. I have a fever of 101 with a sore throat and sinus infection. I am on antibiotics and pain medication so have had very little energy to post.
It didn't help matters much that we received two feet of snow the past three days and the fact that I am only half way done with my Christmas shopping! I am hoping I feel better tomorrow so I can finish that. The house is a mess but that will have to wait I guess.
Despite my sinus infection I have been keeping up with feeding the birds. I have feeders that hold a lot of seed and filled those Friday night and have only had to refill once. Interesting observations. First, I saw no titmice or house finches during the snow. I had a ton of juncos, house sparrows and starlings though. I hate the house sparrows and starlings and it's bumming me out. No lie, I had approx 40 on my tree this morning. Grrr. If I wasn't so sick I would have opened my screen and yelled at them!! The starlings have not eaten much of the suet though and have started to eat the bird food I have out which I find strange.
I do have a new friend who is a song sparrow. I love this little bird and his spunk. He was down on the ground eating fresh seed I put out there for the birds and the house sparrows crowded around him and started to bully him. He flapped his wings and used his beek as a weapon to tell them all of buzz off and they did. Yesterday during the storm he was on my platform feeder with a roof and anytime a house sparrow landed he bullied them off. He is awesome!!! HA
I had four crows spend all day yesterday on one of my trees for shelter. I felt so bad for them that I put out a huge scoop of dog kibble for them and they gobbled it up. I also have a very interesting seagull story to share but I will save that for its own post because I have questions.
Sadly no pictures of any of this. I just didn't have the energy.
I have missed all of my blogging friends so much and will catch up with all of you tomorrow. I should feel better by than because of the antibiotics.
Take care all
Glad to hear from you Kallen... I was beginning to wonder where you were. I knew your weather had been horrible. Sorry you have been sick. That's the pits--to be sick this close to Christmas. Hope the meds help SOON!!!1
Our low this morning was 5 degrees --which is very cold for us. I fed the birds and had to re-stock the feeders. All of our regulars were here today. We are overwhelmed with Pine Siskins though--but the others still come!!!!
Get well soon.
Kallen! Get better soon! ! ! Thinking of you and praying that you are up and running for the holidays. Do your birdies know what a trooper they have taking care of them these days? Diane
I hope you get better real soon! Take it easy - have some tea - cuddle up w/ a good blanket and your kitty!
Kallen, I am glad you are back online and getting better from illness. Being sick is the pits. You have even worse weather than in Portland, OR - what a winter.
Get Better soon!!
Oh Kallen I was wondering what happened to you. Hope you feel better real soon! Its so crappy being sick...esp. this time of year with sooooo much to do...
Feel better...
Happy holidays....
Do you fill your feeders with black oil sunflower seeds? Back when I had cool feeder birds, I gave up on that canary seed blend because I was just getting house sparrows. When I fed black oil sunflow seeds, I got a good mix of birds. You can also get a niger thistle seed feeder that will only attact finches. In Vermont and New York, I got Evening Grosbeaks, finches, nuthatches, chickadees, woodpeckers. In Colorado, I got siskins, nuthatches, mountain chickaees and red cross bills. I got lots of Stellar's Jays and a few Clark's Nutcrackers.
Now for feeding yourself...chicken soup.
Forget the shopping and cleaning until you are all better. Being sick at Christmas is awful, but happens easily because we overdo things at this time of year. Healthy wishes sent your way.
Aww...get well soon! I hope you feel better and can enjoy the holidays!
Sorry Kallen that you have been so sick, but glad you have been able to enjoy your birds. That is the best part about birdwatching for me. I can stay indoors on winter weekends and still have great entertainment!
I hope you feel well enough to accomplish what you need to this week, and Merry Christmas to you and your family!
Oh, poor Kallen! Sending some virtual chicken soup your way. Hope you are feeling some better today. Sorry you are having so many house sparrows. Maybe they'll move on soon. Take care.
What a bummer! It's no fun to be sick anytime, but so much worse during the Holidays. Hope you are soon better and can get back to chasing starlings again. Take care and get plenty of rest.
Shoot, girl. I'm sorry you caught the germs from me.
These Interwebs....
: )
Hope you felt better today!
Merry Christmas Kallen!
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