For those of you who have been following my blog, you will know that I am new to taking photos of birds and am not that good at it. I have gotten better over the weeks, but have a hard time with certain birds, especially the chickadee. He has been hard for me to photograph because of his size and the fact that he is so hyper. I will get my camera just right, go to take the picture, and off he goes. Anyhow, I went to the bike trail today and found one all by himself in a branch. I sat there quiet as a mouse and waited for the perfect shot. He was so far away, that I couldn't tell what the photo would look like until I got home to upload it onto my computer. Check it out!! HA! Not that bad for me.
I also took a picture of some Queen Anne's Lace that I thought looked interesting.
Well I am off to do housework now. I want to get my house super clean this afternoon because we are supposed to get snow tonight into tomorrow and I want to be outside for it instead of doing my dreaded weekend chores.
Have a great Saturday everyone.
Snow is so great! We had a foot of snow followed by rain. When the snow comes - get outside. That is a good rule.
Have a good day!
Chickadees are fabulous birds as are the hairy woodpeckers. All of them are nice.
You can set up a stand, of sorts, and hand out a cake of suet outside your window and they will come, land on it, and you can take lots of photos that are better than closeup.
Here where I live in Southwestern Ohio, north of Dayton, the home of aviation, the Wright Brothers and Paul Lawrence Dunbar, the poet; it is snowing and has all day. It is 27 degrees F ( -2.7 C)and roads are a mess.
I wanted to thank you for your visits and for keeping track of me while I have been both in and out of the hospital.
I like the Idea Abraham Lincoln had for getting close up of chickadees...I bet you are out there right now setting up some kind of area near a window so you can get a great photo of the little critter.
You know the queen annes laces seeds that are in the middle of the dried flower can be eaten and used as an herb they taste like caraway seeds.yummmy do a google search for that...
Chickadees and other small birds are difficult to capture, so keep trying Kallen! :c) Hope you got the snow you wanted!
Congrats a nailing the chickadee shot!! And the Queen Anne's Lace photo kind of made me smile. It reminded me of one of those papparazzi photos catching a star w/o their usual makeup and having a bad hair day. Or a mug shot...no wait - Queen Anne would never have one of those! All kidding aside, I agree, it is interesting. Sometimes the after-bloom is just as photogenic as the blossom.
Nice chick! Reminds me of possibly my favorite nature essay:
Rich, the snow here will never look as lovely as the snow you get in Alaska. That first picture on your blog is magnificent.
Abe, I will try that tomorrow. They love suet and it is my goal to get some decent photos of them from my yard. We are only getting less than an inch but and welcoming it right about now. Don't like messy roads though and hope you are staying off of them until they clear up some. I am glad to know you are feeling better.
Dawn, I will grab some next time I go to the bike trail. I do know that Queen Annes are related to carrots somehow, but had no idea that the seeds were edible. Thanks for the info.
Jayne, I will not give up. HA!! I swear taking pictures of birds is harder than taking pictures of anything else out there. They are so jumpy.
Deb, I agree. I do like how the flowers look even in the winter. LOL about the paparazzi comment. I never thought of it that way and it's so true!
Dave, thanks for the link. I was smiling the whole time I read the essay. Chickadees are my all time favorite bird and some of the reasons why are listed in the essay.
I had to bookmark is as a keeper.
Hi Kallen, I've just recently discovered your blog, and find myself relating to your posts. I've only been watching and photographing the birds for a couple of years now. There's something new to learn every day!
I agree that chickadees are hard to get to stay still! My only good shots of them are taken with my tripod set up at my kitchen window and focused on the feeder they frequent the most.
Congrats Kallen on your chickadee photo... From now on you'll get LOTS of them I bet. Our Chickadees don't seem to be afraid of us. They'll come to the feeders even when we are outside nearby...
Thanks for introducing yourself Jan. I tried to go to your web site, but it told me it was an invalid link. I agree that there is something new to learn every day. To me that's what makes it so fun. I tend to get bored w/ things rather quickly, but with birding there is so much out there that it's hard to get bored.
From you lips to Gods ears Betsy! I would love to have a bunch of chickades in my yard. The chickadees in my yard are friendly too. I will sometimes be out there filling up my feeders and they will land on a branch and wait for me. I try to not make sudden moves or noises, but sometimes I burst out laughing because they are so cute, I can't help myself. I startle them w/ my laughter and they fly off!! You just gotta love these little guys.
Don't you just love the excitement you feel when you get home and see what you got on your camera!! I'm like a little kid with a new toy!! I am also pretty new at blogging and using my camera, but I love trying!! I think you did a pretty good job of capturing that chickadee and Abe's advice is super. I think I might try that myself. Thanks so much for visiting my blog and I hope you were able to enjoy that snow!! :)
I love your enthusiasm. Of course, being outdoors beats indoor chores everyday, even when it snows. You captured the chickadee on a colourful tree too. Good for you!
Oh great job..isn't is great when you get a catch after waiting? I too love the queen's anne lace. It is interesting...
New Rambling Woods Site
Sorry Kallen, I got it wrong. It's www.emurphey.com/jan Try that.
It took me months before I got a chance of photographing a Chickadee. They're brave - will land on your hand - but TOO QUICK! Too quick for the camera's focus... Makes me curse :o)
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