I did some birding before work today at the New Swedish Cemetery in Worcester hoping to get a Yellow-rumped Warbler and had a good feeling I would get one as I got out of my car and would see many birds around the brush pile at the beginning of the cemetery, including the always attractive Palm Warbler above.

As I was walking along the path, I could see a warbler like bird perched on top of a branch and I would get my binoculars on it to make out a fuzzy form and while I was re adjusting my binoculars for focus, off she would fly onto another branch and in lousy sun. I was 99% convinced it was a female Yellow-rumped Warbler, but spent about 5 minutes of my time stalking the bird trying to get a look at the rump for final verification, and after a lot of chasing, I would finally see it. First of the year bird for me and one I really wanted all week so was very happy with that.

There would also be some sparrows including a couple of White-throated and this very dashing Song Sparrow above fanning its tail which I thought was kind of neat.

It seemed as if the birds were everywhere this morning and all perched up high and I had forgotten how hard it can be on the neck as I haven't had to do it much over the past few months. The American Goldfinches would be everywhere with the males finally flashing that vibrant yellow of theirs as they are all decked out in their new spring colors!

The Chipping Sparrows would be everywhere this morning as well and all perched up high on trees doing their call. Another butt shot of another bird perched in a tree, which will probably make up the majority of my photos from now until May!

After work I headed to Bolton Flats with Alan, hoping I could have some of his fortune recently with the Northern Shoveler's and his Gadwall, and both of us really wanted to see
Tom Pirro's reported Blue-winged Teal so off we went to search for it. The water levels had dropped considerably since the last time I was there so it was easy to get into. We wouldn't see much at the waters of the main parking lot as far as large numbers, but did get about 80 Green-winged Teal and I never tire of seeing those (but would much rather the blue variety right about now! ;-). Anyhow, we would never see the teal there, but I did get to see my first Gadwall of the year as there were two of them there tonight which was awesome as it was another first of the year bird for me. The picture came out horrible, but decided to include to to break up my paragraphs some! I would also get my first Swamp Sparrow of the year so all in all it was a rather productive day.
As a side note, I should mention we ventured over to the South Side and I had my 1st experience ever getting stuck in the mud as we set up shop in some really thick mud to scan the birds with our scopes. When we went to leave I had a hard time getting out as I would literally be stuck at times!!! But that just goes with the turf of birding Bolton Flats and mud at Bolton Flats means only one thing in my book. Shorebirds and not soon enough for me!!
Take care all
I enjoyed your post. My neck is not sore at all--I was able to follow you and your birds without looking up once!
Great day birding. I just saw my 1st palm warbler yesterday
Sorry about the mud and sore neck, but you certainly had some good sightings for it all.
Yes, I call that sore neck that I get in April and May "warblers neck".
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