As soon as I saw that, I contacted Emily Eaton to see if she knew if the female has been spending any time in the nest box over at Fallon as I haven't seen her there in over a week. She had indicated that not only has she seen her over there, but they were actually copulating on top of the Commerce building early last week. Anyhow, she will be contacting the Department of Fish and Wildlife to see when they can come to the nest box to see if they are nesting in there and if so, how many eggs they will have this year. Cross your fingers everyone!
And just to give you an idea on why the photos came out as bad as they did. Since the Peregrine Falcon was on the lower ledge, I had to go through three layers of glass and mirrors with my camera to get any pictures of him. He's still a handsome little devil none the less!
Take care all
Hello, I enjoy your blog.
I follow peregrine falcons near Paris, France.
Thanks Fauc. I went over to your blog and looked at it and love the pictures and have added it to my raptor blog roll so I can follow their progress. So nice to be able to track birds as wonderful as the Peregrine Falcon!
I'll keep my fingers crossed!!
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