Monday, April 5, 2010

Woodcocks and Other Birding Here and There

Doing things in reverse order here. Alan and I went out to the Westborough WMA this evening to look for Woodcock as I have struck out twice thus far, but that's because we went to different places to see if we can find them but it was never a guarantee.
As we were walking along before the sunset we could hear them peent so off we went to the area we knew they would be at and one in particular put on quite a show for us. Getting pictures of these birds can be rather tough with lack of light but I was glad to get the one above because I wouldn't even know that I got it until I got home and blew the pictures up on my computer screen!
We would also have a see one of the resident beavers there like the one above. They have built up quite the dam since the last time I was there!
While walking along a different path we would come across this very tame Red-tailed Hawk that who appeared fixated on getting a bite to eat before retiring for the evening. The hawk would look at us on occasion, but it was more interested on what could potentially be on the ground below instead of what we were up to.
I also got out at lunch today to see what was at Institute Park. With April here, I try and get out more at lunch and before and after work until mid June as there is so much to see! Not much here to speak of, but a funny photo of some Ring-billed Gulls with a Herring Gull and Killdeer thrown in for good measure. So funny to see them all together on the island that has appeared in the middle of the pond since the last time I was there.
The forsythia would be in full bloom there as well which is so pretty to see this time of the year.
As well as a Red-tailed Hawk that I saw when I first got out of my car. It was funny in that it was up fairly high, but then there was another raptor in the same location but much higher. It actually looked like an Osprey to me with its crooked wings, but would never be certain.
And then before work I ventured over to St Philips to see if I could spot a Yellow-rumped Warbler as I got one there around this time last year. The Northern Flickers would still be chasing after each other and displaying which is so fun to observe.
And then finally, my first half way decent shot of a White-throated Sparrow this year. Very fitting I suppose in that they will be leaving soon and I will miss them.

Take care all


Hilke Breder said...

Beautiful sunset shot. It's a pity woodcocks don't come out a little earlier when it's lighter. I had a tough time getting the shots that I did.

Laurel said...

Beautiful photos.


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