Saturday, May 11, 2013

Forbush Bird Club Wachusett Trip (In Memory of Fran)-May 11th, 2013

Alan and I would attend the Forbush Bird Club trip to Wachusett and vicinity in memory of Fran which would be led by Susan.  The weather dampened our spirits some as we headed out to Princeton with the wind shields going due to rain but still held out hope as it is May after all!  We'd meet at the ski area and after much patience the rain lessened and we' pick up quite a few birds including a Louisiana Waterthrush, Black-throated Blue and Green Warblers and this Eastern Phoebe above.

There would also be the many Barn Swallows, Chipping Sparrows and a male singing Purple Finch which is always a treat.

We'd head on over the Wachusett Mountain main state headquarters for the Winter Wren and sure enough we'd get it with others as well including the Great-crested Flycatcher above.

As well as pretty decent looks at a singing Wood Thrush which is always music to the ears!

And the always welcome Scarlet Tanager who looked like a Christmas Tree Ornament perched high from above and singing.

We'd finally get to the "turn around" spot which is usually a guarantee for an Indigo Bunting but couldn't find one.  Perhaps the snow in the picture has caused them to delay their arrival at their summer residence!  ;-)

Next would be the spot for the Northern Waterthrush which we'd get as soon as we got out of the car (FOY for both Alan and I) and after a bit we'd all be thrilled to get great looks at one of the Canada Warblers (another FOY for both of us).

Swoon, I just love this bird and was beyond pleased with the looks we got of it.

Next would be Harrington Farm for the Bobolinks and both our ears and eyes would be reminded it was spring with the beautiful tulips and a Louisiana Waterthrush singing nearby.

As well as the few Bobolinks like the one above.  This would be a 1st for me as I've never seen this bird perched on a wire before!

We'd hit another spot that was very birdy including a Yellow-throated Vireo.  This would be our second vireo of the day as we'd also gotten Blue-headed in a couple of spots.

Another FOY for both Alan and I were the Chestnut-sided Warblers like the one above.  This bird was so close it was a "naked eye bird" which made photos difficult as it was so close my camera didn't want to focus!

And we'd also get our much wanted Veery which was quite fitting considering the trip was in memory of Fran.  I think he sent it to us considering what great views we got of it!

We'd hit a couple of spots we normally don't on this trip including one Dick K brought us too as we still didn't have Blackburnian Warbler on our list but got it quickly which would make for a very nice FOY for me.

Our last stop would be "Four Corners" as we met up with Bobbye earlier who told us she had Least Flycatcher there in the morning and we would soon be rewarded with it as well as many Bobolinks and a Blue-winged Warbler and Northern Parula which made for another productive stop.

All in all, my best day bird wise this season which just goes to show that weather often has nothing to do with it as not only was there rain here and there but wind too.

Take care all.

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