Friday, July 31, 2009
Red-tailed Hawk Worcester
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Birding-The Great Meadows in Corcord, MA
I then took off in the afternoon with my friend Alan to the Great Meadows in Concord, MA to see if we could get any birds that we can't get here in Central MA. One of the most frequent birds we saw were these adorable Marsh Wrens that seemed to be in all of the cat tails we went to. Their call is very wren like and distinctive so it was hard not to pinpoint their location. They were difficult to get your eye on though as they spent the majority of their time either in the water underneath the vast cat tails (trying to stay cool) or in the middle of the cat tails which made getting a view of them rather challenging to say the least. Such adorable little wrens though and another check on my list as this was a lifer for me. The Great-blue Herons were out in full force at the meadows (we did see one Great Egret there too but my pictures came out lousy). One interesting things about these herons is that they are not as afraid of people as the ones in my area are, so getting pictures was easy.
Monday, July 27, 2009
This and That
One of the Peregrine Falcons on top of City Hall. I loved where it was sitting so had to take the picture. The Rock Pigeons usually roost right around here and you will see dozens of the pigeons flee as one of the falcons uses this spot to perch and preen.
Picture of a Cedar Waxwing on top of a tombstone at the Millbury Cemetery this past Wednesday. This bird was perched near me and watching a feeding frenzy that was going on between Chimney Swifts, Barn Swallows and Tree Swallows. There were dozens of these birds flying in and out of the location all feeding on bugs. The Barn Swallows in particular had no problems buzzing right past my head and going after insects. What was even more interesting was there there were approx two dozens various Dragon Flies in that same area too all feeding off of the insects. I attempted some photos but all three species of bird were far too quick! Very interesting to watch though and am wondering what small bugs were there to cause such a frenzy as I couldn't see them.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Peregrine Falcon Upate-July
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Bolton Flats and Wachusett Meadows
Since I only stayed at Sterling Peat for about 1/2 and hour I decided to head on more a little north to Wachusett Meadows. The last time I was there for a bird census, it got rained out and was disappointed as I had never been there before. The weather was fantastic and birds were everywhere. The picture above is one of 4 Bobolinks I saw.
My first crappy photo of a Northern Goshawk LIFER and a sweet one at that. Sigh, this is one of the birds I just had to see this year besides the Red-shouldered Hawk. I am trying to steer away from lists more as it is not the quantity but the quality and yadda, yadda, but I am voracious when it comes to birds of prey. I want to see them all, and I want to see them now. ;o). If you enlarge this photo you can see the black markings along its eye. Also note how broad the wings are in comparison of a Coopers. I wish I could have gotten better pictures, but this bird was up pretty high and was agitated so didn't stick around for long.
Wachusett Meadows is a fabulous place to go to if you are looking to bird, butterfly watch or hike so it you are from the Central Massachusetts area than I strongly suggest you check it out. Dick and Peg Knowlton and all of their wonderful volunteers do a great job of keeping it up and it showed. I was there for three hours today and didn't even cover all of it.
Have a great week all. I will probably not be blogging or birding much as I have a lot of stuff going on this week. Cheers!!
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Wachusett Reservior and Local Birding
The only notable birds I did see while there were two what I presume to be first cycle Ring-billed Gulls over by the historic Church on the reservoir. The rain didn't seem to want to end so I went back to my area and to Eastern Mountain Sports for more clothes. I figured I had to do something to kill the time while it poured out. ;o). Anyhow, soon enough the skies brightened and the air turned hot and humid again. I decided to try some powerline trails knowing I would not get many birds, but wanted to walk some more. I did see quite a few Eastern Towhees including this pretty female above.